Articles by Dr. Blum

Dr. Blum’s first book, The Tao of Your Psychotherapy Practice, has been written for professional counselors.  Yet, readers have commented that the book contains several articles useful to others, both for self-help and for guiding one’s expectations of psychotherapy.  The most relevant sections are:

  • 17-21:  Psychological “aikido”
  • 29-63: Favorite psychotherapeutic strategies
  • 69-75: Dealing with one’s past
  • 82-119: Breaking free of “pendulemia” (dichotomous thinking)


Below are some of Dr. Blum’s past articles, which fall mainly into two categories:   performance in high stress and psychology of religion.

Articles and Dissertation on Performance in High Stress:

“A Bimodal Model of Cognitive Functioning:  Theoretical and Practical Implications  of the Construct of Cognitive State-Rigidity,” Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center, 1984.  Available for purchase, including PDF, from   UMI Publication ID:  8407810.

“Understanding Police Officer Responses in Off‑Average Conditions,” Stress Training Consortium of the Peace Officer Standard and Training Commission of   California, April, 1981.

“Understanding Human Behavior in Off‑Average Conditions,” co‑authored with T. O. Sargent, Oak Ridge National  Laboratory (subcontract no. 7960), 1980.

“Use of the Bimodal Theory in Reactor Crisis,” American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting on Reactor Safety (NTIS # CONF‑800403), 1980.

“Predicting and Controlling Performance Shaping Factors,” co‑authored with T. O. Sargent, American Nuclear Society, 1980 National Meeting (NTIS # TANSAO 35 1‑676 1980).

Articles of the Psychology of Religion

“Our Home Is God’s Home:  Dirah B’Tachtonim,”  The Inner Journey:  Views from the Jewish Tradition; Morning Light Press, 2007.

Chapters 3 and 7 on psychological insights and stress management in The Hadassah Jewish Family Book of Health and Wellness; Jossey-Bass, 2006.

Death and Eschatology: A Course Manual,   Syracuse University, 1975.