Adult ADD

Adult ADD Career Alternatives –the Psychological Factors for Success

I have received many letters asking for help with issues related to adult ADD.  Here is one excerpt:

“Dear Dr Rick,

All of my life I’ve known something was wrong with me but I was told I was lazy or not working up to my potential.  I have been on antidepressants for the last 5 or 6 years.  They take the edge off, but I still don’t feel really good about myself.  I don’t concentrate well at all.  I start out doing something all excited and then lose interest quickly or I get into something and can’t let it go.  I must have 25 or 30 things started, but can’t seem to finish any of them . . . ”

You can sense the struggle and feelings of futility this woman experiences.  As a response to this and literally hundreds of such letters, I have provided a five-part  report on the subject.

Click here to view the free report.

Is it ADD or PTSD?
[“Attention Deficit Disorder” or “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder”?]

“Hi Dr. Rick,
I am a 34 yr. old female Correctional Officer. I was sexually  assaulted last year by a male inmate at the jail where I am employed. Since then  I have been seeing a therapist and have not been back to work. I  know that I suffer from  PTSD, and a “social anxiety disorder” (I hardly ever leave the house.) My therapist wants me to be tested next Tuesday for ADD. I told her that I didn’t have ADD, but she said that the test would give her a better understanding of where I’m at and what exactly I can do for  work. Does this sound right to you? Please get back to me and let me know.”

Thanks for writing. I felt saddened to hear of your traumatic attack and not surprised that it has you out of work. I’ll try to answer your question.

First, I want to be careful not to second-guess your therapist, since you are in treatment with her, so I’ll just give you some information that might be helpful.

Fact number one: ADD symptoms have to be there your whole life. So, whatever signs she is seeing (hopefully she has shared that with you) must have been present since childhood. Of course, parents and old friends could be helpful in verifying that for you.
Second fact: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder includes agitation as a central symptom. So, it must be dealt with, especially if you don’t have ADD symptoms since childhood.  By the way, though you did not ask this, you might not have social anxiety disorder either, if this is just since the assault.

You can feel free to share this with your therapist, since these are not controversial statements and since, hopefully, she is already aware of them and thinking in terms of them also.

Good luck, and let me know how things develop.

“Hi Dr. Rick,
Thank-you for getting back to me so soon.  I think I understand.
Before this happened to me, I was very organized and conscientious about everything I did.  Now, I can’t remember anything, I can’t even clean my house.   I have to have someone come in and help me clean. And my house was so spotless before, you could “eat off of the floors.”

Thank-you again, you are a wonderful Doctor!”

Thanks for keeping me posted — Good luck with your therapy, and keep fighting your way back. Some good news: generally the best predictor of a person’s future functioning is the way they were before the bad stuff happened.
Dr. Rick Blum

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